This was my love affair quietly growing in the dark parts of my mind for some time, three of my favourite divas. Most of the work was done in Photoshop with elements like diamonds and liquids in Cinema4D and Zbrush.
Make sure to checkout my Society 6 shop for prints and ArtisNavi Blog for wallpapers! Enjoy!

Ellie Goulding / I Know You Care
Ellie was my first choice for this project, thought it would be interesting if she would be in darkness, hiding... This is what i thought "I Know You Care" would look like. Such an amazing artist and i wanted to give her the drama that would work with the lyrics.

Clinging to me
Like a last breath you would breathe
You were like home to me
I don't recognize the street
Like a last breath you would breathe
You were like home to me
I don't recognize the street
Please don't close your eyes
Don't know where to look without them
Outside the cars speed by
I never heard them until now
Don't know where to look without them
Outside the cars speed by
I never heard them until now
I know you care
I know it is always been there
But there's trouble ahead, I can feel it
You are just saving yourself when you hide it
I know it is always been there
But there's trouble ahead, I can feel it
You are just saving yourself when you hide it


Case study

Jessie Ware / Wildest Moments
Jessie took me by surprise when i first heard "Wildest Moments" and i knew that she will stay with me. Thought it would be interesting to be a bit literal and get the wild part in this image in form of a lion - yet be very metaphorical about the setup and keep both characters personalities as they would be both people.

Wait on, thunder sky.
Wherever there's smoke, there'll soon be fire.
What could bring bad luck.
I've been looking at you too much.
Wherever there's smoke, there'll soon be fire.
What could bring bad luck.
I've been looking at you too much.
From the outside, from the outside.
Everyone must be wondering why we try.
Why do we try.
Everyone must be wondering why we try.
Why do we try.
Baby in our wildest moments.
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest.
Baby in our wildest moments.
We could be the worst of all.
We could be the greatest, we could be the greatest.
Baby in our wildest moments.
We could be the worst of all.


Case study

Lana Del Rey / National Anthem
Lana was probably the most easy one from the three to build the concept - most of her lyrics are dark that the challenge was the song itself. I felt (lady pepsi-cola after all!) that National Anthem is that what i felt represented the style best - both lyrically and musically.

It's a love story for the new age,
For the six page, we're on a quick, sick rampage
Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin', excessive buyin',
Overdose and dyin' on our drugs and our love and our dreams and our rage
Blurrin' the lines between real and the fake
God can only, I need somebody to hold me
He will do very well, I can tell, I can tell
Keep me safe in his bell, tower, hotel
For the six page, we're on a quick, sick rampage
Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin', excessive buyin',
Overdose and dyin' on our drugs and our love and our dreams and our rage
Blurrin' the lines between real and the fake
God can only, I need somebody to hold me
He will do very well, I can tell, I can tell
Keep me safe in his bell, tower, hotel
Money is the anthem of success
So put on mascara, and your party dress
So put on mascara, and your party dress


Case study

Make sure to check out ArtisNavi wallpapers and Society6 for prints! Now Appreciate please:) Thank you :)