The project started as a small exercise and idea against war poster (as small as one can feel about it) and ended a bigger (or big) project for myself focusing on different mediums and consuming a lot more. I felt that Pearl Jam's - Army Reserve was just so perfect to illustrated how I felt where war does not only harms the people directly involved, but everyone and everything else as well. This piece of art is not aimed at any nation or ethnicity.
On the technical note was a chance for me to get into After Effects and take my work a a step further and just try new things, hope you will enjoy it. I've used ZBrush, C4D, After Effects and Photoshop. Make sure to check out the animated poster below.

How long must she stand
Before the ground gives way
To an endless fall
She can feel this
War on her face
Stars on her pillow
Folding in the darkness
Begging for slumber
Before the ground gives way
To an endless fall
She can feel this
War on her face
Stars on her pillow
Folding in the darkness
Begging for slumber
She tells herself
And everyone else
Father is risking
His life for our freedoms
And everyone else
Father is risking
His life for our freedoms
Pearl Jam - Army Reserve
Animated Poster

3D Production

Animated case study

Thank you for watching and make sure to hit that appicate if you liked it! :)